How to find a suitable genre/theme/topic to write about?


Our minds tagged along with interest work in mysterious ways, often we are left vacant of ideas or splurging with unstoppable thoughts. This infinity of ideas is important as a potential writer. Hush, you can develop this by following the steps mentioned below. In this article, I will essentially cater to individuals who, are enthusiastic without ideas, confused with ample concepts and those with an open mind still hunting for the perfect theme. For those who have a theme/topic in mind you should read this to see if your topic is suitable for you.

The Cognate Struggle

Every writer experiences the cognate struggle of stability in his/her writing. Shortly, I will explain how to prevent your work from becoming monotonous and tedious. Firstly, make sure writing isn’t your only ambition in life, partake in hobbies and other activities to prove as a distraction. Secondly, select a genre which is enriching rather than depleting. Always write about an idea which teaches you more than you can learn or have learnt. Lastly, whether you have a genre selected or not, treat this as a check list-

  1. Do you know what a theme/topic is?

Firstly, it is important to understand what a theme/topic/genre is, to mediate between your thoughts in your mind and on paper. Topics/themes are the basis of your content. Themes are the crux or central idea of your work, this could be anything and everything under the sun. You don’t need to be an expert to understand your literature. Breakthrough the taboo of mainstream literary abiding rules, keeping in mind the sanctity of your audience. The reason behind this will be discussed in Context.  As your work is a manifestation of your imagination or experience, the common denomination is you. Importantly, no literary guide in the world can help you discover your topic/theme. Hence, do not read ‘what to write about’ rather mirror yourself to see what you should write about.

  1. Passionate interest

I mentioned passionate interest because this has to be self-driven and not an interest because it has to be. This isn’t supposed to be enforced or expected from you, you should enjoy what you write about. I would go a step further and treat my work as another entity altogether, more like a friend than an errand. Passion and interest and subjective, which is why I believe this exercise would be ideal.

Use an empty bottle/jar. Use chits to write something you thought of the most in a day. Deposit these chits into the bottle/jar. After your timely quota is complete, open all those chits and try to identify a common theme, something prevalent and constant in your life. This is inter-personal and critical as it is mostly recurring in your life. On the other hand, if you think you wish to deviate from your everyday nuances, exclude every theme mentioned in your chits. Viola! You will be closer to your genre.

  1. I have a topic, or not?

Often, when authors pick one topic they find it to be extremely specific and run out of options. Consider a wider range through a branching topic. Make sure your main theme has the potential to branch into sub themes. There has to be immortal love for this genre. Similarly, those who wish to write a story should have a flow chart in mind binding one event to another, almost like a bridge where every pillar is conjunct with another. Forget words like boredom, fatigue, disinterest and indifference.

  1. Knowledge

Undeniably, you need to know what you’re speaking of. Whether your work is a biography, story, monologue, satire, drama etc., it needs to have an educative characteristic. Say you are discussing an alien invasion which purports technology and universal energy, you should know and research on the same. Topic research can heavily influence you, it can change your mind about fundamental reasoning, but it is important not to be misinformed. You should be thorough with the topic you are writing about also to avoid repetition or innocent plagiarism.

  1. Inspiration

Truly, an inspiration comes from self-reflection, I would advise potential writers to ponder about instances of significance or those left unnoticed that need to be discovered. As you conceptualize your understanding you will discover an idea. Likewise, those who have an idea and topic in mind can explore it further through research and theories, for example a biography would require ample amount of accurate research and findings.

  1. Context

Additionally, context should be your concern. Simply, everything is justified in the dimension of your mind but on paper it can seem absolutely absurd. If you are writing about an experience which is supposed to move your audience or reader, provide context. Subtly, questions like what is happening, why is it happening, how is it happening have to be explained. Build a relationship with logic and context to write a successful comprehensive book.

  1. Suitability

Everyone enjoys a multitude of topics ranging in grave polarity, yet how do you know this is suitable for you. I do not mean to pass a judgement however you cannot serve beef to a vegetarian, can you? Relish the intricate folds of your mind, whether you will stay immune to burning out when writing on such a topic, will your interest ever grow and if you can do justice to your ambition.

  1. Purpose

Analyzing the underlying cause of why you are writing your work can boost your journey of discovering a theme. On questioning yourself as to why you choose to write rather than do anything else can help you evolve your thoughts in a common mode for audience. It is going to be challenging to warm your gelid mind and focus on these basic questions, these will essentially help you select a suitable genre

This blog provides a checklist for yourself to guide the writer hiding under your skin. Allow yourself to open up under the shells you’ve built. The more unexplored your theme is, the more you can write and learn. Writing should be an expedition around your mind, test yourself and most importantly enjoy it.

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